Tuesday 8 March 2011

Young Saeng Exercising In The Gym

Kedua bebengs bekerja di gym! Young terlihat begitu serius dan bekerja keras, sementara YS adalah ... apa yang kamu kerjakan Saengie? Apakah itu benar-benar bagian dari rutinitas Anda atau Anda hanya bermain-main? Mengapa tidak ada bobot pada hal itu? Hahaha! Saya suka melihat mereka bekerja keluar, kita bisa berharap melihat seksi dari mereka berdua! Jit-Kyu? Jit-Saeng? Mungkin

The two bebengs working out in the gym! Kyu looks so serious and working hard, while YS is... what are you doing anyway Saengie? Is that really part of your routine or you're just playing around? Why are there no weights on that thing? Hahaha! I love seeing them work out, we can expect a sexier look from them both! Jit-Kyu? Jit-Saeng? Maybe


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